Textile waste withdrawal
Textile waste withdrawal
Does your business produce a large amount of waste from weaving? Turn to Pistoni, an Italian company committed in textile waste withdrawal in Italy. The headquarter is located in the Castel Goffredo International Socks Centre and thanks to the numerous textile waste withdrawal operations in the company of this area has gained more experience and skills in the textile sector. In last years, Pistoni has consolidated business relations with the foreign market as well.
To whom is the textile waste collection service targeted?
To allow textile companies to eliminate production waste, even in the context of business sustainability, the Pistoni company has developed a professional textile waste withdrawal service to be recycled and used for secondary processing. With business of textile waste withdrawal for company Pistoni collects massive quantities of waste and addresses many people with a specialized service of:
- Textile waste withdrawal for stocking factories
- Textile waste withdrawal for textile or spinning laboratories
- Textile waste withdrawal for textile industries
Features of the textile waste withdrawal service
The textile waste withdrawal with own means at the customer company has been designed to minimize the efforts of those who require it. The activity is characterized by:
- Textile waste withdrawal by Pistoni’s own means
- At the customer company that required the withdrawal service
After evaluating the type of textile waste of the customer, Pistoni organizes the retirement and deals with all subsequent steps. After the textile waste withdrawal, the company cleans the waste, selects those that can be marketed again and packs them with a hydraulic press. The Materia Prima Secondaria bales stored in the warehouse are ready to be sold.
More information about textile waste withdrawal?
Do you want to receive more information about textile waste withdrawal? Contact us by filling out the form in the contacts section. Our technicians are available to answer your questions.