Yarn waste

Yarn waste

When we speak about waste, a typology that comes immediately to mind is that of yarn waste or anyway waste resulting from the textile industry. But what does it mean to us? The textile waste is each of the fragments separated from an industrial product during its processing and in the textile industry there are different types of waste, from the first processing to the combing and spinning preparation, weaving and finishing waste.


Who produces yarn waste? 

In particular, the yarn waste results from the work carried out by the spinning workshops, which transform the textile fibers into yarn. Spinning yarn waste is a non-hazardous waste that can be reused to manufacture products such as spades and wires or in the chemical and paper industry, but also for the creation of new yarns with a slightly lower quality level. Spinning produces waste because of a set of discontinuous fibres’ twist and in some cases these fibres remain as residuals in the machining process.


What kind of yarn waste does Pistoni deal with? 

The Italian company Pistoni deals with the collection of different kinds of yarn waste:

  • Natural fibre yarns waste
  • Synthetic fibre yarn waste


The waste from different types of yarn that Pistoni selects can be made up of cotton, wool or viscose natural fibres that are packed with a hydraulic press. Among the synthetic fibres, the company collects nylon polyamide 6 and 66, polyester, elastomer and acrylic. Even these types of synthetic fibres are pressed and are sold on the market as high quality Materia Prima Secondaria.


Do you want to receive information on yarn waste? 

For more information about yarn waste contact us by filling out the form in the contact section. We will be happy to answer all your requests.