Textile waste collection
Textile waste collection
To exploit the industrial waste in the international socks centre of Castel Goffredo, Pistony carries out a textile waste collection service for companies which work yarns and fabric. After the collection of textile waste, both of natural and synthetic fibres, the company develops various waste control and processing activities.
How, when and where take place the textile waste collection?
Pistoni Srl carries out a service of textile waste collection upon request, through which it collects the residues coming from stocking factories and other textile industries, in its warehouses, dividing the yarns by type. The service is realized through:
- Textile waste collection with its own means
- Textile waste collection at the customer company
To resell or carry out the subsequent recycling and processing operations, Pistoni compresses the residues with a hydraulic press and, after packing the material, puts it in the storage space.
Which type of textile waste does Pistoni collect?
The company’s experience has developed over time the ability of collecting natural and synthetic textile waste of stocking factories and textile workshops. In particular, Pistoni performs:
- Natural textile fibres collection, as wool, cotton, viscose
- Synthetic textile fibres collection, nylon polyamide, polyester, elastomer and acrylic
After collecting the waste, the company deals with the cleaning and the division of the fibres used to produce MPS bales, or Materia Prima Secondaria. In this way, Pistoni creates new products by optimizing waste from textile industries and reducing waste production.
Are you looking for information about textile waste collection?
To find out more about the textile waste collection service or about a custom quote, contact us by filling the form with your requests. We will reply as soon as possible!