The Pistoni Srl company takes care of the withdrawal of plastics which Polypropylene (PP) turning out from the refuse of industrial working. This then endures a phase of manual cleaning in order then to be uniform according to the type. Successively the polypropylene prepared will stocking in box, ready for being milled with granulator (preventively controlled with metal detector). Floreal product (MPS) of Polypropylene thus obtained, comes introduced in "Big Bag" ready for the sale.
The Polypropylene is a plastic polymer, of the chemical designation C3H6. It is used in many different settings, both in industry and in consumer goods. It can be used both as a structural plastic and as a fiber. Polypropylene is often used for food containers, particularly those that need to be dishwasher safe. The melting point of polypropylene is very high compared to many other plastics, at 320°F (160°C), which means that the hot water used when washing dishes will not cause polypropylene dishware to warp. This contrasts with polyethylene, another popular plastic for containers, which has a much lower melting point. Polypropylene is also very easy to add dyes to, and is often used as a fiber in carpeting which needs to be rugged and durable, such as the carpet one finds around swimming pools or paving miniature golf courses. Unlike nylon polyamide, which is also often used as a fiber for rugged carpeting, polypropylene doesn't soak up water, making it ideal for uses where it will be constantly subject to moisture.